+48 602 388 200 info@krakowtourguide.info

Guests recommendations

Hello Anita. Hope that you are well. Thank you again for a most memorable day in Krakow. You certainly know how to bring the history and culture of Poland alive. Let us hope that through your efforts people will recognise the importance of accepting and tolerating the difference and diversity within society and endeavour to make the world a better, safer and more humane place. Tibor and Pauline
Dear Anita, thank you again for great help, the gusts were very happy with Magdalena! When ever you come to Vienna let me know so that we can have a drink together!

Best wishes. Erich Kammerleithner 

Hi Anita.
Thank you for the amazing tour you gave us Friday morning. Your information was very sad but necessary for us to hear. I loved the personal parts you added and will forever be grateful you were selected as our guide. We enjoyed both restaurants that you recommended. I hope you have a great week.

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